Post 32: The largest structure in the Protein Data Bank 🤯

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AFAIK, the largest known protein complex in the Protein DataBank was a flagellar motor, composed of around 175 assembled proteins. However, a photosynthetic complex from an alga has just been published, consisting of as few as 894 assembled proteins 🤯 … I can only imagine the suffering of the PhDs and postdocs who created that monster.



  1. In situ structure of the red algal phycobilisome–PSII–PSI–LHC megacomplex
  2. PDB
  3. PDB2

Ps. Follow this 2 amaizing protein artist on Twitter 🙂

Upon further investigation, I realized that the flagellum was not actually the largest complex, as there even exists a prestigious club of protein complexes with >1M atoms in the PDB.

  • PDBs: 3J3Q, 3J3Y, 5Y6P, 6KGX, 6Q3G, 6QVK, 6QYD, 6QZ0, 6U42, 7RRO, 7SQC, 7UNG, 7Y4L, 7Y5E
  • Link

I love you photosystem of Porphyridium purpureum Video por @gpintilie