Post 6: Evolution and Tinkering, the best paper that I’ve read in 2022 🧬



Here are my reasons of why Evolution and Tinkering was my favorite paper of 2022:

  1. It’s short and doesn’t have devil things (like partial derivatives, hyperbolic geometries, or latent variables).
  2. Despite being 46 years old, it still seems very relevant.
  3. It clearly explains how biology works and why life is “matter, with history”

To better understand the title, the word “Tinkering” doesn’t have a direct equivalent in Spanish (as far as I know), and it refers to the action of modifying/repairing something informally or without much planification, that is, improvisation.

I think everyone interested in biology/evolution should read it.

One day the bacterias will reach Mars without having to build a rocket