Post 17: FlowGPT vs Bad Bunny 🤖



A few days ago, Bad Bunny complained about this song made without his consent with an AI called FlowGPT, where Justin Bieber and Daddy Yankee also appear.

I was curious about its reception, so I mined about ~1200 comments and these were the most frequent words (in the form of a bar graph and word cloud). Interestingly, several of them (such as: great, good, best, brutal, awesome) suggest a good reception, even though it’s a song made with pure AI. img img

Only its author knows how it was made, who profits from this peak of fame and you can contact him to make a song on request using FlowGPT; although given the quality of the song, it surely took a pre-trained model with copyright and with which you cannot do business. However, I imagine that the author made the rhythm and possibly the lyrics using an AI trained with reggaeton songs to learn the type of lyrics and rhythms. Then he recorded the lyrics with his own voice and used an AI to transfer the singers’ tone of voice to his audio channel. In other words, it would be semi-automatic.

Although you can currently retrain AIs to sing with the tone of voice of an audio of a single person. And so there are songs like these:

It’s all fun and games until someone takes all your stories from X social network and the audios (where your voice appears) and trains an AI to scam family and friends using social engineering. So in these times, it’s important to agree with your close circle on a keyword that only you understand in case you are ever scammed.