Post 2: Doing networks of scientific papers
To celebrate its 150th anniversary Nature created a beautiful project where they map many of the papers they have published, but, in the form of a network.
También me encontré con este proyecto con esta pagina llamada connectedpapers creada por Alex, Eddie e Itay quienes analizaron ~50,000 artículos científicos y crearon redes de similitud entre ellos para hacer más fácil y visual la búsqueda de literatura afín.
This reminds me of this other website called connectedpapers created by Alex, Eddie, and Itay who analyzed ~50,000 papers and created similarity networks between them to make the search for related literature easier and more visual.
I think that is very easy and quick way to search for literature, I hope it helps you. As an example, I looked for the network of the paper on “Quantum Supremacy” of Google’s Sycamore processor published last year as well as the classic paper by Woese and Fox where they describe the utility of the ribosome for classifying prokaryotes. The coolest thing is that it has a dark mode :p